A look at the life and career of Chelsea Manning, a trans woman soldier in the United States Army, who was sentenced to serve 35 years at an all-male military prison for leaking information about the ...
Five students who had to carry out KKN in a remote village are warned not to cross the boundary of the forbidden gate that leading to the mysterious place that may related to the figure of a beautiful...
30年代的芝加哥充满了混乱,黑道横行官商勾结,其中,要数掌握着私酒市场命脉的黑帮老大卡彭(罗伯特·德尼罗 Robert De Niro 饰)的势力最为强大。即使在这样黑暗的环境中,联邦探员纳斯(凯文·科斯特纳 Kevin Costner 饰)也依然怀抱着惩奸除恶的理想, 可是很快,现实便教会了他,在这个世界里,谁才是老大。...
A photographer, tasked to take photos of a rare flower in the mountain, discovers women trapped in a hidden brothel for illegal loggers. Now, he must do everything to save them....